Electrical Enclosures, PCB, Plastic Electronic Enclosures

How to Stack the PCB in Some of the Plastic Electronic Enclosures?

Do you know where the cabinet in your kitchen place where the food containers are usually kept? You need to have these spaces for the food leftovers but with all the different sizes, depths, colors and it can lead to the chaotic space in the kitchen. And the kitchen space has all the covers for these spaces. What you should do with them?

With this in mind, I have finally discussed about my own kitchen and I have finally cleaned up my kitchen area. I have found out that if I will be able to stack all of the plastic enclosures together – together with the slide covers being neatly placed next to the bowls – then, it will be no longer a chaotic mess. Now, I can finally breath when I once open the door.

I finally got the idea on how to stack these different containers from a recent customer email sent to an enclosure company. The customer has liked the size of one of their enclosure, but the engineering project he has been working on required 2 PCBs. These 2 boards were being utilized to control different engineering operations. The final question is: will he be able to stack the 2 boards within the DC-45 without causing any issues?

The company told the customer that this will not present any pressing issues. Providing that he is currently using spacers between these two boards that can allow the air between the boards. There would be plenty of room to stack the boards of them. The spacers would function as the support to be able to mount the PCBs together.

Because this enclosure that the customer requests set only one mounting bosses on the base, and none in the cover. The customers have to use an additional method to secure the second board. There should not be any bosses for the top of the board that can be mounted to.

In using the spacers, the project engineer would not need the bosses available for the second board. The spacers will also allow for air movement around the boards in order to prevent the overheating of the two PCB boards.

An additional way for this to happen is to have a machine countersunk in the holes in the cover and be able to use the separate stand-offs to properly secure the board. This specific method is a similar way that we can use to move the location of the position of the mounting bosses for the customers.